Tourism - Credit Crunched

Wilfried Lemke, Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Sport for Development and Peace
At a conference next week in Cardiff, discussions will include how to develop frameworks to encourage sports in devolved regions.
Dark Tourism
There is a page of links to places which have a connection to historical figures; another article discusses the experience of visiting old houses and stonewalls. The website Post-Conflict Heritage looks at the restoration and politics at cultural sites such as Angkor.
Tourism Alliance

Tourismos - new issue

- Travel decision making : the role of habit
- Genealogy, the Internet and tourism
- Seasonal analysis of tourist revenues : empirical research for Greece
- Analysis of the impact of tourism on the West Africa economy
- Germany-centred mergers and cartels in the European travel industry, their influence on Turkey and Antalya
- Interpreting the logic of travel
- SWOT analysis methodology in the formulation of propositions aiming at a more effective operational application of timeshare in Greece
Previous editions can also be viewed.
New Articles
Tourism Insights (non-Athens resource) now includes the following articles:
- Social tourism in Flanders
- Visitability : lessons from the 'Liveability' Agenda
- Making access easy
- Marketing your way out of recession
- Sustainable tourism - where are we now?
- Does the cost of visas affect tourism demand?
- The role of the consultant in tourism development
- Email marketing - cost effective, year-round promotion
- Walking on water : why seaside piers are here to stay
- The role of shopping in tourism destinations
Don't forget - Destination Manager's Toolkit is now available in Tourism Insights.
The Sustainable Tourism Gateway

Information sheets, case studies, news and details of forums can be found; a link to a report, Industry as a Partner for Sustainable Development by a collaboration of industry leaders including the WTTC, is also included. There is a page of links to relevant organisations as well as suggestions for journals and magazines.
Any comments/suggestions welcome!
Conferences & call for papers
ATLAS Business Tourism SIG Meeting - 23-26 November 2008 in Warsaw, Poland
Wildlife Tourism - 27th November 2008 in Scotland
Texts and tours - 5 December 2008 in Leeds, UK
Contemporary Developments in Tourism, Travel & Hospitality - 3-5 April 2009 in Rhodes Island, Greece
2009 UNWTO Ulysses Conference - 27-28 May 2009 in Madrid, Spain
Events and Meetings in the City - 17-20 June 2009 in Goteborg, Sweden
3rd International Critical Tourism Studies Conference - 21-24 June 2009 in Croatia
Resorting to the Coast: Tourism, Heritage and Cultures of the Seaside - 25-29 June 2009 in Blackpool, UKThe International Event Management Summit - 6-8 July 2009, Gold Coast, Australia
OAG - Latest Report
Latest newsletters
The Tourism Newsletter from University of Surrey is also available online.
Sports Events

Sports Security Summit 2008 @ Novotel St Pancras,
London : 13 Nov 08
Rugby Expo 08 @ The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre (London) : 17 Nov-18 Nov 08
Soccerex 2008 @ Sandton Convention Centre, South Africa
- The Football Festival : 23 Nov 08
- Exhibition & Conference : 24-26 Nov 08
Women's Sport & Fitness Foundation @ Emirates Stadium (London) : 24 Nov 08
VisitBritian News
Research conducted recently into the affluent Arab families market has found that an ideal holiday would be one that included visits to architectural and cultural heritage sites, as well as lots of shopping. Travellers hardly ever book their trips online as they feel it would be safer if made through a trusted travel agent more...
The House Magazine will host a half day ‘Westminster Briefing’ today. The course entitled “Taking Tourism Seriously: The Way Ahead for the UK Visitor Economy” will give delegates the chance to discuss key issues, including how best to build strong and coordinated working relationships across the public sector more...
To combat the recent credit crunch Enjoy England has put together a simple guide mainly aimed at SME’s that outlines 10 top marketing tips more...
Enjoy England have launched a campaign aimed at stimulating shortbreaks and days out in England in the face of an economic slowdown. The campaign will highlight the affordability of "going away at home" by showcasing special offers and incentives provided by industry partners. All English regions will be promoted and all tourism businesses can be a part of it more...
VisitBritain, Visit London and Radisson Edwardian Hotels recently hosted a highly successful cocktail event at Sydney’s exclusive Ivy Bar for over 150 guests from the business events sector. The evening helped position Britain and London as an important MICE destination, especially on the back of investments planned up to the 2012 Games more...
It was back in October 2004 that the Olympic bid was first assessed by Foresight in terms of what it would mean for the industry, and the August edition of Foresight reopens the issue of 2012 and what it will mean for Britain as a whole asking 'what is the scale of benefit for British tourism?' more...
While visits from EU15 countries and North America are down on this time last year, accession countries have dominated the inbound market according to the June figures of the International Passenger Survey more...
Shaping the City...

Well done if you took part in The Big Picture! This was a project which took place over a period of 6 months this year to produce the World's Largest Photo Mosaic.
The Heart of England Excellence in Tourism awards will be be recognising quality and innovation in a range of tourism and hospitality ventures. Tickets for the event which will take place at the ICC are now on sale. Take a look at what the regions in the Midlands have to offer and cast a vote...
Recently, David Cameron MP was reported to say 'It's great to be in Birmingham'...It is energetic, vibrant and on the up', following the Conservative Party Conference which was hosted by the ICC recently (Forward, p.2). So impressed in fact, they are planning to hold the next conference here in 2010.
Report - Domestic Tourism
The economic slowdown has prompted a discussion on falling visitor numbers in Hawaii, while in the UK, the question is whether falling international arrivals may be offset by an increase in domestic tourism as holidaymakers look to take cheaper vacations at home. Funding targeting revival in English seaside resorts is also featured in the UK.
Tourism destinations featured recently include the Maldives, East Africa, India and Cambodia. Golf tourism development in the Philippines is reported, and we feature a report from the USA on how foreign tourists could help the US economy. Tourism issues featured include the effectiveness of loyalty schemes, attempts to set global criteria for Sustainable Tourism, and whether tourism can ever safely coexist with wildlife conservation. Other articles include hospitality management in China, and how to combine profitability and sustainability in the hotel industry.
Upcoming Conferences:
2008, November 21 - 22
Conference: 2nd Asia-Euro Tourism, Hospitality & Gastronomy Conference 2008
Venue: Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
2009, September 16 - 18
Conference: World Medical Health Tourism Conference
Venue: Phuket, Thailand
Dankai & W34 Research Summary

ITB Berlin

ITB Berlin is an annual tourism trade fair with approximately 11,000 exhibitors in 2008 representing every sector of the tourism industry. The exhibition lasts 5 days of which 3 days are for trade visitors. ITB Asia takes place from 22-24 October for those lucky enough to be in Singapore this week. ITB Germany 2009 will take place next March. See their website for further details or click here to register.
A note on ebooks...

Two popular tourism titles by Buhalis are now available online Tourism Business Frontiers (Dawson Books) and Tourism Management Dynamics (Ebook Library). For a full list of ebooks available, take a look in the Ebooks Catalogue, available from the Library Catalogue page.
Remember - each of the ebook databases have their various quirks:
Netlibrary - click on 'Athens Users Log-in here' to access the search page. Ebooks are not downloadable but instead, can be viewed as long as is needed. HOWEVER, if there is inactivity longer than 15 minutes, you will be logged out of the ebook.
Dawson Books - to view online, click the appropriate link on the search results page; to download, click on the title of the book and scroll down for this option.
Ebook Library - the options to view online or download are both available when you access a title.
Tourism Insights

Access off-site is via Blackboard (Non-Athens Resources link). The previously printed journals are available in the Quick Ref section.
Int. J. of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship

VisitBritain - key dates
International Conference on Festivals & Events Research: Florida, 18-21 Jan 09
Texts and Tours: Developing the Potential of Literary Tourism: Leeds, 5 Dec 08
4-Hour Guides

ABTA Magazine

Conferences and call for papers
Globalization, Development and Tourism: Mega Events and City Tourism: Shanghai, 6-9 Nov 08
IIPT First European Conference on Tourism and Peace: Netherlands, 21-24 Oct 08International Conference on Tourism Development and Management: Kos Greece, 20-23 June 09
National Sports Development Seminar: Sheffield, 3-4 Sept 08
RSA Tourism 08: Developing tourist destinations: Denmark, 26-28 Nov 08

- education
- event management
- finance
- hospitality
- law
- gaming
- sponsorship
- sports tourism
- technology
- ticketing
- TV rights
For email alerts on contents of the latest issues, subscribe by entering your email address at the top of the page on the website. The print journal can be found in print at Summer Row library.
Joint Ventures: Blues & Villa

Key facts:
- 31.9m visitors to Birmingham in 2007, 1.5m more than 2006
- The campaign is to launch in September
- Visit Birmingham - the name of Marketing Birmingham's new leisure campaign
- Birmingham City Council is to fund Marketing Birmingham over 3 years
Always leave 'em laughing
I have started a new blog on WordPress called WalakaNet that combines a few of my outlets into one source; comics will no longer be the sole focus of the site, but will have its own section. You might say I am moving the dial a little bit away from the Fortress of Fortitude end and toward the Estoreal end. (As long as I don't move into Capespotting territory; where the heck are ya, Cap?)
I want to thank everyone who has come by or offered support. Realizing that over the past two and half years people have paid something like 40,000 visits here to see what I was up to makes me feel like I was a small but real part of the comicsweblogosphere. I hope some of you come by the new place for my occasional observations.
And now, two short videos, both (coincidentally) with political themes, that made me laugh.
An example of hard-hitting investigative reporting from San Diego, with surprising results:
I don't know how to categorize this, but that doesn't mean it's not cool:
Well, so long, and as Stan The Man used to say, Excelsior!

Before, during and after: London 2012

to engage all sections of the community. There is a chapter which explains how the legacy will be delivered across Great Britain with tips for employers, local government and the public on participation and taking advantage of opportunities created by the upcoming event. An illustrated time-line is included to show the activity programme upto 2012. Results to research carried out on the awareness of and attitudes towards the Olympic Legacy and its aims, are also shown.
With the Beijing Olympics also now underway, the official website is a one-stop info point. Here you can find out the latest news, schedules, live results, details on athletes, sports and venues. Also includes videos, photo gallery and an educational section.
Journals Roundup
- Coca-Cola China’s Virtual Olympic Torch Relay Programme at the Beijing Olympic Games
- Olympic sponsorship: evolution, challenges and impact on the Olympic Movement
- Selection of leveraging strategies by national Olympic sponsors: a proposed model
- Winning the Olympic marketing game: recall of logos on clothing, equipment and venues at the 2006 Turin Olympics
- The Olympic Equestrian Games: brand collaboration and associations occurring within a destination and a sports event
- Olympic Games host and bid city marketing: exploring issue management in the relationships among event stakeholder group
- From Prussia to Russia: Kaliningrad
- Atarazanas market, Malaga
- Maltese arrivals - refugee camps
- Both sides of the Dniester: Moldova
- The Via Sacra
- Rediscovering our rivers: the Thames experience
CTCC Newsletter - latest edition
On the Road magazine - latest edition
Comics, comics, everywhere...
I have cited this cartoon before, because I think it sums up the mainstreaming of comics that we seem to have been experiencing over the past few years. We can parse out the details, but there's no denying that folks are talking about comics out in the open, without apology, with more frequency than ever before. This situation was driven home to me over the past few days.
First off, I got a phone message from a pal telling me that a local AM talkradio host was going to be interviewing Neal Adams. I tuned in and for a solid hour Adams talked about the reinvention of Batman in the sixties after the television show and other topics that wouldn't have been out of place on any comics blog. Check it out: July 15, 2:00pm.
I grant that that interview might have been sold because of the Dark Knight movie, and that the situation in general has been helped by so many comic book adaptations or comics-inspired films being released this summer, but c'mon: who would have imagined that a regular essayist on NPR would contribute a piece examining in detail the DC fan/Marvel fan divide, under any circumstances? Yet this is what I heard the very next day on Morning Edition, in a piece by John Ridley.
The next day, Steve Scher, the host of Weekday, a local program on the Seattle NPR affiliate, devoted a whole hour of his show to comic books, speaking with Mike Mignola and Douglas Wolk, among others. I guess this shouldn't have surprised me so much, since Scher spent a whole hour interviewing David Hajdu a few months ago, when Ten-Cent Plague came out, and constantly surprised the author with his depth of understanding of the subject.
Out of curiosity, I did a search on the NPR site tonight, and found that this afternoon I missed an All Things Considered report on international comics and that a few days ago Day to Day used the Batman movie opening as a springboard to do a fairly thorough examination of the evolution of The Joker over the years. That's all in addition to pieces on Dark Knight itself.
To top it off, I stopped by the library this week to talk to another pal, and she gave me a copy of the SPL annual report: they got Ellen Forney to produce it in "graphic novel" format, which is to say it uses some specific elements and the general aesthetic of comics to present the material. Here's the cover and a sample page:

To do list...
Call for papers: New Journal - Recreation and Society in Africa, Asia, and South America
Call for papers: Association for Tourism in HE 2008 Conference - 3-5 Dec, Canterbury
Call for papers: State of Tourism in Africa - for Tourism Analysis Journal; email Kenneth Backman for further details
Final call for papers: RC50 (International Tourism) - 24-26 Nov, Jaipur, India
Call for chapters: The Experience of Tourism & Leisure: consumer & management perspectives (to be edited by Morgan, Lugosi & Ritchie)
Summer School: Territorial Development: culture, itineraries & creativity - 15-16 Sept, University of Bologna, Rimini
Tourism Report

Latest articles...
Zip! Bang! Zot! It's The Librarians!

I recently acquired another Zot! collection:

The Complete Black and White Collection: 1987-1991
By Scott McCloud (HarperCollins: 2008)
This is a heckuva book: 576 pages of the second, black-and-white run of the title, much of which I have never seen before. It includes some commentary, some never-published art, and extras like that. I think there's some manga influence going on, in that it has been published in a sort-of digest-size (6" x 9") rather than tradition comic book/TPB size. (Am I just demonstrating my calcification when I prefer my graphic books in the "proper" size? I suppose I am.) I haven't had a chance to read all the way through yet, but I am looking forward to further exploring the early work of someone we may forget is an important comics creator as well as theorist.
The reason I mention the book now, rather than waiting to provide a full review later, is to highlight my source: Leslie, one of the librarians up at the University of Washington - Bothell / Cascadia Community College library, on the campus where I teach. This is not the first time a librarian has turned me on to a good graphic book: you may remember when Venta drew my attention to The Invention of Hugo Cabret. But this time, not only did Leslie draw my attention to the book, she gave me a copy - a signed copy she had picked up at the ALA convention. Truly, our school is blessed with the coolest librarians on the planet.
Yesterday, I took a ride up to my campus (even though I have taken the summer off) to return a library book (Fun Home, actually). As usual, I stopped in to chat with my librarian pals, and in the space of a few minutes of corridor-convo, we had discussed the movies Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, and The Fall; Julie's cartoonist cousin, who may have found a publisher for his work; a possible conference paper to write on comics in the classroom, the lack of attendance at ALA by both DC and Marvel, and the perils of dogsitting. And I had a brand-new graphic book to add to my summer reading stack.
You can't beat that.
Follow-up department:

In light of a prior conversation about descriptions of this book as a "graphic novel without the pictures," I found it amusing that a review done in comics format, on a webcomics site that often reviews graphic novels, refers to the volume as "a book of poetry" and "a novel in verse," and doesn't mention graphic novels at all. I would figure that if anyone was going to see that metaphor, the guys would.
Luxembourg 2007 - final report

Journals Roundup
- People, places, transport and travel industry & cruise updates
- Feature: Faith based tourism
- Hotel & restaurant news
- European Eccentrics
- Group options & attractions
- Lismore, Ireland
- Immrama - Lismore Festival of Travel Writing
Marketing Birmingham: reports

ATLAS Cultural Tourism Survey

Another excursion into definition
The proud Kuleeah was furious because Tarzan had made sport of her. Now she dashed toward him, determined to redeem her pride with his blood. She aimed a murderous blow at the head of unarmed ape-man. Again, Tarzan dodged, whirled, seized her, and lifted her high above his head. There he held her, kicking and squirming, while her comrades hurled gleeful taunts.
Though they laughed at Kuleeah's plight, they were impressed by the mighty Tarzan. “He can be my husband, though he conquer me and rule my hut,” cried one. This was heresy among the Amazons, who prided themselves on their dominance over men.
“I'll take him,” shouted another.
“No, he's mine,” insisted a third.
Soon, the tribe was in turmoil. As the warrior women fought amongst themselves, Tarzan set Kuleeah down. She ran away to get her bow and arrows. If she could not have him, no other would.
Then, suddenly, into this wild confusion burst a pack of hungry lions.
Although it does start in media res, this passage appears to be a pretty complete section of a narrative. Even from this excerpt, we can discern a lot about the characters and setting, and we can certainly follow the action. Is this a bit of a Burroughs book, or some fanfic, or what? Well, take a look at it in its original:

I forget why I stumbled over it, but looking at this page immediately got me to thinking: there is no one, I think, who would exclude this page from a collection of comics, or comic strips, or sequential art, or graphic literature, or whatever phrase we want to use for all that funnybook stuff we like so much.
And yet, if we really look at the strip, there's no real fusion of word and image to make meaning or create communication. The text, as demonstrated above, can easily stand on its own and carry the entire narrative weight of the piece. The art, as exquisite as it is, really doesn't help to tell the story; it contains nothing new, no information that isn't already expressed by the text. The drawings certainly couldn't stand on their own and give us anywhere near the narrative detail that the text does. (For example, is there anything in panel four to indicate that the Amazons are "hurling gleeful taunts"?) To paraphrase Steve Lieber, the pictures may illustrate the story, but they aren't the story.
This seems to contradict what we expect from comics, that magical conjunction of words and pictures that creates something new, something that is neither merely prose nor art, but, well, comics.
We mist be missing something, but damned if I know what it is.
Maybe definition isn't that important after all.
This makes a dozen dozen posts on this blog: 144 entries in 915 days, about one a week. I know, that's pretty gross. I was looking for a significant milestone to quit on, and I thought this might be the one. But I don't think so now; there may be a few more things I want to say before that.
Re-cycling a great idea...

To find out more about cycling in the UK, try the Cycling England website. The National Cycle Network which now covers 10,000 miles in the UK was developed by Sustrans, a sustainable transport charity. Click here for a map of the network.
Top bicycle friendly cities

(Thanks for this David!)

Mail Call
Someone liked the art from Lady Cop that I included in one of my earliest substantive posts, The Saga of Liza Warner, from January 4, 2006, and wanted to know the artists. This post came before I settled on the style of enlarging and bolding the titles and creator names of comics I review; I guess that was a good idea, because the information is included in the original post, but even I had a hard time finding it. (It's in small italics beneath the cover image.) For the record, the penciler was John Rosenberger and the inker was Vince Colletta.
Two people responded to my September 2, 2007 post ENO TAERG BPT! about the Silver Age JLA: Zatanna trade collection. That post included illustrations of the leggy magician by Murphy Anderson, Gil Kane, Carmine Infantino, and Mike Sekowsky; my correspondents are requesting, nay, demanding, a version by none other than -- Vince Colletta!
Well, I aim to please, so I did some research, but I have yet to find a Zatanna story penciled by Colletta, although he did ink a few, including the Romeo Tanghal preview in the same Zatanna trade. (Apparently, Colletta penciled a lot early in his career, but from the sixties on he almost exclusively focused on inking.)
I did find this great image of Zatanna pencilled by Don Heck and inked by Vince Colletta:

If you check the source post here on Gorilla Daze, you can read about Colletta's specific contribution to the illustration.
Tourism Calendar...
The Escola Universitaria d'Hoteleria i Turisme will be the setting for the Barcelona Tourism Summer Course running from 30 June to 11 July 08 more
Traditions & Transformations: Tourism, Heritage & Cultural Change in the Middle East & North Africa region on 4-7 April 2009 in Jordan - conference and call for papers
International Society of Tourism & Travel Educators on 30 Sept-2 Oct 2008 in Dublin
Enter 2009: International Federation for IT, Travel & Tourism on 28-30 Jan 2009 in Amsterdam - call for papers
Tourist Experiences: meanings, motivations, behaviours on 1-4 April 2009 at University of Central Lancashire - extended call for papers
New Title - The Experience of Tourism and Leisure: consumer and management perspectives - To be edited by Brent Ritchie, Morgan and Lugosi; call for chapters, proposals by 31 July. Email Mike Morgan for further details.

- A Polish work of art: Zamosc
- A London ghost: Crystal Palace
- Calypso's isle: Gozo
- Beyond the bug: rural Ukraine
Would you like to see this magazine in print? Please email me and let me know!
I read a comic book
Marvel: July, 2008
Roger Stern, Writer;
Zach Howard & Cory Hamscher, Artists
I was killing a little time in the LCS the other day when I saw this book on the rack; the cover was compelling. I hadn't read any Hulk books in at least a decade, but here he was, on the front of a comic, beautifully drawn (by cover artist Gary Frank), and in classic form. I had seen covers and illustrations of Hulk over the past few years in a t-shirt, a tuxedo, a gladiator outfit, and who knows what-all. To see him in the traditional ripped purple pants, thooming his way through what could easily be Monument Valley, brought back fond memories, and the book didn't seem to be part of any bigger saga (it even said "one-shot" on the cover). I flipped through it: the art didn't suck and there was a reprint in the back. I bought it, even at $3.99
It was totally cool.
I don't know if this is some kind of under-the-radar tie-in to the new movie or what, but the story is an episodic overview of Greenskin's career and would completely fill a new reader in on the character; for me, it was more of a refresher course and a current-continuity-check. I don't know how much they're left out, but it sure reads like 1978 wasn't thirty years ago.
Stern, who was a Hulk writer back in the day, gives us a framing sequence courtesy of Fred Sloan, an ex-hippie writer who was apparently a temporary part-time Hulk sidekick at some point when I wasn't reading the series. While researching his second book on the Hulk, Sloan encounters minor characters from Hulk's past adventures, each one providing a different perspective on both the myth and reality of the Green-skinned Goliath. Meanwhile, Bruce Banner is having his own current adventure, hulking out during a restaurant robbery and encountering plenty more action afterwards. Stern ties the two threads together very satisfactorily and gives us a final scene that captures the essence of what the Hulk TV series did best: portray the haunted journey of Bruce Banner. The narration from the three final panels is as touching and apt a description of that Jekyll-Hyde relationship as any I have ever read.
But as textured as the writing is, Stern doesn't leave out that all important Hulk Smash! action. In the present day, we get to see Hulk make quick work of armed robbers, scare a bear, smack a Winnebago, destroy a logging operation, punch a van, and leapfrog from the mountains to the California coast; in flashbacks, he smashes a statue, smashes a jeep, fights a bunch of soldiers, saves a school bus, and beats up some rednecks.
Through it all, Hulk displays the personality I remember best: not too bright, generally good-willed, but proud, easily annoyed, and quick to anger.
The art by Howard and Hamscher can be a little dicey at times, with some odd proportions and perspectives, but they have a great design sense: the flashback scenes are not only colored differently (kudos to Lovern Kindzierski) but also rendered differently, with thicker outlines and some Kirbyesque touches that evoke the Silver Age source material perfectly.
All that would have been enough to make me happy for my four bucks, but I also got to read a Stern & Byrne Champions-era Hulk story, guest-starring two members of that team, Iceman and Angel. However competent a story this is (and it is), it was really nothing but a nostalgia-wallow for me, getting to see Warren Worthington with his gold chain and suave moves, Bobby Drake feeling and acting awkward, Doc Samson with Hulk on the couch, Hulk pounding Samson into the ground like a tent peg, Jim Wilson calming Hulk down, and all the heroes taking on a Sentinel (after the ol' get-Hulk-involved-by-pissing-him-off ploy).
As much as the back-up was a trip down memory lane for me, I really do think I enjoyed the main story on its own merits and not just for its evocation of the "the way things were when I liked them," although I am willing to admit to a strong bias in that direction. Nonetheless, I can state categorically that this is one of the few mainstream comics that I have looked at lately that I wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen reading: there's no gratuitously graphic violence, no objectification or T&A, no hard-ass grittiness to prove how "adult" the material is. And most of the people in the stories are regular folks - this isn't a cape-fest. It was just good funnybook material.
Incredible, indeed.
Dawson Books

Comics blog comics

Man, was I disappointed.
I read Men of Tomorrow not too long ago, and just used Comic Book Nation in a class, and am in the middle of Hajdu's The Ten-cent Plague right now, so comics historiography is on my mind. Van Lente and Dunlavey do a pretty good job of chronicling the rise of comic books, but unlike AP, which seemed to clarify and popularize, this history seems too often to over-simplify and generalize. The authors have a strong analytical position - their treatment of animation as a necessary element to understanding comics is a fresh perspective, for example - but it seems that they were not terribly critical in assessing some of their sources. They seem to take the stories of Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson's exploits prior to his publishing career at face value, for example, rather than including any additional information.
But scholarship quibbles aside, the major disappointment with book was just that it wasn't very good as comics. I couldn't see how presenting this in comics format added anything to to the telling: the creators don't really seem to be exploiting the form. On the contrary, most of the panels are merely non-sequential illustrations that "act out" the text without adding anything new to the communication. Take this page, which also includes the good major:

With the exception of the first panel, with its symbolic representation of Nicholson as a leader and where the word balloon dialog "Who's with me" is answered in the subsequent caption box, none of the illustrations adds anything to the text in any integral or creative way. Does the inclusion of a deliberately bad drawing in panel two really add to the description of the crude art found in early comics? Does a sketch of three swashbuckler types in panel three (two with Siegel and Shuster's faces) help us understand the description of strips like Henri Duval better? It would appear not.
There just seemed to be too much of this throughout the book. If I was just a little more OCD, I would type out all the caption boxes as straight text to see just how little editing it would take to turn the comic into prose. I'm betting very little.
So, as much as I enjoy reading about the history of comics, I'm not sure I'll be scooping up the floppies on this one. The trade may have to be part of my library just for the sake of completeness, but I'm afraid my enthusiasm for the project has dimmed.
And now, a little comicsy mystery:
As I wander around the net, I often save images of people reading comic books and newsstands selling comic books, just for fun and personal use, like for computer wallpaper. Here's one that I found somewhere:

It seems to show a newsstand in early 1938, as you can see several copies of Action Comics #1 on the lower rack in the front right. Pretty cool piece of comics history, eh?
Well, it took a student of mine, who was looking on the net for a copy of this image after I showed it to the class as part of an exercise, to point me to this from the Museum of the City of New York:

Notice that the comics are gone, and with good reason: the photo was taken by Berenice Abbot in late 1935 - over two and a half years before Action was published.
Why would someone photoshop this picture?
Unfortunately, I haven't found a source for the doctored image yet. I'll let you know if and when I do, unless someone tells me first.
Until then, remember: document your sources!
British Library : Industry Guides