Focus on...Pro-Poor Tourism

Pro-poor tourism is a term which refers to tourism that is positively working towards poverty reduction by strengthening links between the tourism industry and local poor people such as craft stall holders, fruit pickers or taxi-drivers. There are a number of organisations who aim to promote pro-poor tourism, here are a few:

ODI is Britain's leading independent think tank on international development and humanitarian issues. Their aim is to inspire and inform policy and practice in pro-poor issues. The section on their website dedicated to tourism includes events and resources which has briefing papers, guides and toolkits, and working, journal and project papers. Details of their current projects are also available.

The ID21 website has also produced some useful research articles which are published online in their newsletter 'Insights'.

The Pro-Poor Tourism Partnership website also provides up-to-date information in this area with a range of resources including publications and working papers. You may also choose to sign up to their newsletter.

A new book by Hall entitled 'Pro-Poor Tourism' should soon be available in the Library, with an online version via EBLibrary. A special issue of 'Current Issues in Tourism' via Multilingual Matters (on campus only), includes articles that may be useful.