Under high stucco ceilings,
we can't help but mention
we're breakfasting
in the cafe at Budapest Keleti.
You're not here - but these students
and luminescent festival-goers
are forming a picturesque backdrop.
Did I say we'd finally arrived?
Oh, look, it's the Trans-Siberian.
A film about northern Albania
Trekking in Thethi, Valbona and Vermosh: http://video.citytv.com/video/detail/37511219001.000000/trekking-in-albania/
Deloitte have recently published a number of new reports:
- Deloitte Football Money League 2012 - Fan power
UNWTO - Newsletter
For your own copy of the newsletter, hot off the press and straight to your inbox - sign up here
Start of a poem putatively called 'The comfort of railway stations'
Under high stucco ceilings,
we're stifling over ham and eggs
in the cafe at Budapest Keleti.
We've only just arrived
among American students,
festival-goers whose luminescent wristbands
evangelise this stock-shot gathering
in an otherwise vacant ticket hall.
The connection for the Trans-Siberian
flick-flacks on the departure board.
we're stifling over ham and eggs
in the cafe at Budapest Keleti.
We've only just arrived
among American students,
festival-goers whose luminescent wristbands
evangelise this stock-shot gathering
in an otherwise vacant ticket hall.
The connection for the Trans-Siberian
flick-flacks on the departure board.
PlayStation2 pt 1
Shoreline Trails
"Created: 19/05/12
Occupied: No
Type: Residential
Lot Size: 30 x 30
Residents: 3
Shoreline Trails is a residential lot in The Sims 2 that the player unlocks
after completing all the platinum and gold wants. The lot is by the beach,
has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, and is valued around §80,000. There is a
trampoline in the back. All three house roommates wear exercise garments.
"Created: 19/05/12
Occupied: No
Type: Residential
Lot Size: 30 x 30
Residents: 3
Shoreline Trails is a residential lot in The Sims 2 that the player unlocks
after completing all the platinum and gold wants. The lot is by the beach,
has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, and is valued around §80,000. There is a
trampoline in the back. All three house roommates wear exercise garments.
Household Name: Shoreline Trails
Funds: §22,140
Number of Residents: 3
Member List:
Timmy Tool - , Male, Young Adult
Timmy knows excellence, and he knows he ain't got it. But when life
gives Timmy a lemon, he takes the lemon and makes lemonade. The lemonade
is terrible, but it's still lemonade.
Torin Namaste - , Male, Young Adult
Torin doesn't think he's better than you. He knows he's better than you.
Torin has heavily invested in perfection, and your humiliation represents
a return on his investment.
Farah Moonbiscuit - , Female, Young Adult
Inventor of the wildly popular "Abdominal Catapult" technique, Farah Moonbiscuit
topped this earlier success by building a national chain of hollstic gymnasiums that
promote her philosophy of Sadistic Harmony."
Rockwell Acres
"Created: 22/05/12
Occupied: No
Type: Residential
Lot Size: 20 x 40
Residents: 2
Rockwell Acres is a residential lot that only appears in The Sims 2 for console in story mode.
Ossie Madison and Felicity Usher live here, and it is the first lot the player stays at in the game.
There is a lot of dirt on the kitchen floor for the player to clean up. "
Sims 3 Exchange Download
MediaFire Download
Rockwell Acres
"Created: 22/05/12
Occupied: No
Type: Residential
Lot Size: 20 x 40
Residents: 2
Rockwell Acres is a residential lot that only appears in The Sims 2 for console in story mode.
Ossie Madison and Felicity Usher live here, and it is the first lot the player stays at in the game.
There is a lot of dirt on the kitchen floor for the player to clean up. "
Sims 3 Exchange Download
MediaFire Download
"Household Name: Rockwell Acres
Funds: §20,100
Number of Residents: 2
Member List:
Ossie Madison - , Male, Young Adult
Ossie is a spectacularly messy slob. It's hard to pinpoint the exact cause of his affliction,
although "lazy" and "male" leap most readily to mind.
Felicity Usher - , Female, Young Adult
Felicity doesn't believe it's necessary to hand wash shower curtains daily, unless of course a
Sim cares about the health and well-being of her household. Cleanliness is next to her Godliness."
Cliffside Retreat
"Created: 22/05/12
Occupied: No
Type: Residential
Lot Size: 30 x 30
Residents: 3
Cliffside Retreat is a residential lot in The Sims 2 for Nintendo GameCube and PlayStation 2.
Players unlock the lot by satisfying Timmy, Torin, and Farah's platinum wants in Shoreline Trails.
The lot is located in the mountains. It has one kitchen, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a living
room with a piano and fireplace. "
"Household Name: Cliffside Retreat
Funds: §68,593
Number of Residents: 3
Member List:
Isabella Monty - , Female, Elder
Isabella sold her share in a profitable garden center to pursue her dream of owning a bed and
breakfast. She carries herself with the quiet confidence of a beloved grandmother.
Patrizio Monty - , Male, Elder
Patrizio left his financial career to help his wife run a cliffside Bed and Breakfast.
He carries himself with the spastic confidence of someone who is not confident at all.
Don Treadwell - , Male, Young Adult
Don Treadwell attended the prestigious Cate School of Waitering, where he majored in Snootery,
with a concentration in disdain. Secretly, he loves the tough but supple feel of denim."
Radio interview
Ann Kennard from the Balkans Peace Park and I were interviewed on Radio Bristol about the project's summer programme in Albania on Sunday (20 May) and can still be heard until Sat 26 May at iPlayer here (if you fast forward to 2hrs in): http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p001mnwc
Completion of Families
these are a few missing sims from the early made premades section
The Roth Family
"Created: 19/05/12
Residents: 3
Funds: §19,500
** Check The Recreation of Premades site to download Sandra Roth** "Having recently
moved to Riverblossom Hills has had a wonderful effect on the Roths! Sandra and Xander are
doing great in school, Morty found a great job, but Stella is a bit restless..." "
Sims 3 Exchange Download
MediaFire Download
The Singles Household
"Created: 19/05/12
Residents: 3
Funds: §20,500
**for Erin Beaker visit the Recreation of Premades site to download** "Has there ever been a
group of roommates so different from one another? As if living in Strangetown isn't hard enough,
will these girls be able to accept their differences and be friends or will the tension tear the house apart?""
Sims 3 Exchange Download
MediaFire Download
The Smith Family
"Created: 19/05/12
Residents: 2
Funds: §17,500
**check the Reacreation Of Premades site to download PT9 and Jill Smith** "After a fruitful
career, Pollination Technician 9 has retired to his favourite planet. But can his son Johnny
make friends and fit in, or is this family just too strange for Strangetown?" "
Sims 3 Exchange Download
MediaFire Download
The Roth Family
"Created: 19/05/12
Residents: 3
Funds: §19,500
** Check The Recreation of Premades site to download Sandra Roth** "Having recently
moved to Riverblossom Hills has had a wonderful effect on the Roths! Sandra and Xander are
doing great in school, Morty found a great job, but Stella is a bit restless..." "
Sims 3 Exchange Download
MediaFire Download
The Singles Household
"Created: 19/05/12
Residents: 3
Funds: §20,500
**for Erin Beaker visit the Recreation of Premades site to download** "Has there ever been a
group of roommates so different from one another? As if living in Strangetown isn't hard enough,
will these girls be able to accept their differences and be friends or will the tension tear the house apart?""
Sims 3 Exchange Download
MediaFire Download
The Smith Family
"Created: 19/05/12
Residents: 2
Funds: §17,500
**check the Reacreation Of Premades site to download PT9 and Jill Smith** "After a fruitful
career, Pollination Technician 9 has retired to his favourite planet. But can his son Johnny
make friends and fit in, or is this family just too strange for Strangetown?" "
Sims 3 Exchange Download
MediaFire Download
Alexandra O'Mackey
"Created: 19/05/12
Residents: 1
Funds: §16,500
"Alexandra succumbed to the call of the sea and left her family to pursue her dream.
Will living the Dread Pirate life be enough to keep her afloat?"
Gabe O'Mackey
"Created: 19/05/12
Residents: 1
Funds: §16,500
"After his wife left to become a Dread Pirate, it took Gabe a long time to trust again.
Is this relationship with Patrcia meant to last? Will Patricia and Jules be able to work
out their problems and realize how similar they really are?"
Andrew Martin
"Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Fitness: None
Weight: Thin
Sub Type: Human
Traits: Frugal, Clumsy, Couch Potato, Childish, Computer Whiz
"Andrew love living with his surrogate aunts and his son. He has a passion for video games
and is happy to have a son that also loves games. Will he be able to cope with his mother's
death and finally get out on his own?"
You make things sound good
You make things sound good.
I don't trust that.
Even though you must do it,
I can't imagine you
lolling on the sofa,
eating takeaway meals,
putting out the recycling bin.
There is a limit
to how much I believe
of what you're telling me.
You'll say it's only suggestion
but there you are, in print,
suggesting what you say
is true, is permanent.
Copyright Tom Phillips 2012
I don't trust that.
Even though you must do it,
I can't imagine you
lolling on the sofa,
eating takeaway meals,
putting out the recycling bin.
There is a limit
to how much I believe
of what you're telling me.
You'll say it's only suggestion
but there you are, in print,
suggesting what you say
is true, is permanent.
Copyright Tom Phillips 2012
Positively Dickensian
The London Magazine's review of A Mutual Friend: Poems for Charles Dickens is now online here: http://tworiverspress.com/wp/review-the-london-magazines-review-of-a-mutual-friend-poems-for-charles-dickens/
Published by Two Rivers Press and edited by Peter Robinson, the anthology includes poems about/in response to Dickens and his work in a wide variety styles by a wide variety of poets - and is out now. Contributors include Paul Muldoon, George Szirtes, Alison Brackenbury, Fred D'Aguiar, Sean O'Brien, John Hegley, Elaine Feinstein, Ian Duhig, Carol Rumens, John Fuller, Moniza Alvi. You'll find my offering amongst those of the Our Mutual Friend gang (Conor Carville and others) in the form of the Gaffer Hexham-referencing 'Found in the River'.
Published by Two Rivers Press and edited by Peter Robinson, the anthology includes poems about/in response to Dickens and his work in a wide variety styles by a wide variety of poets - and is out now. Contributors include Paul Muldoon, George Szirtes, Alison Brackenbury, Fred D'Aguiar, Sean O'Brien, John Hegley, Elaine Feinstein, Ian Duhig, Carol Rumens, John Fuller, Moniza Alvi. You'll find my offering amongst those of the Our Mutual Friend gang (Conor Carville and others) in the form of the Gaffer Hexham-referencing 'Found in the River'.
Driving Growth
To address a gap in research on the topic of foreign travel by the British, this new report by ABTA shines the spotlight on the UK’s outbound sector and dispels some of the myths that foreign travel by UK citizens negatively impacts the UK economy.
The report was launched at the ABTA Travel Matters conference which took place yesterday. Videos of the presentations and lively debates at the conference will be available soon. To get a feel of how it went go to Twitter #abta.
Parents & Teenagers
The Jocque Family
""Created: 05/10/12
Residents: 3
Funds: §19,500
"Sophia, Marcel and Violet have a wonderful family life, but can they continue through the
stresses to come? Will they find some time to relax and enjoy life?" "
Sims 3 Exchange Download
MediaFire Download
The Contrary Family
"Created: 05/10/12
Residents: 3
Funds: §19,500
"Love and understanding are the foundations of a healthy family life, but can the
Contrarys gain enough of it to keep themselves together?" "
Sims 3 Exchange Download
MediaFire Download
The DeBateau Family
"Created: 05/10/12
Residents: 2
Funds: §17,500
"When Jessica left him, Armand spent a few months sulking and thinking the sun
would never come out again. But when he adopted little Tara, she convinced him
otherwise. He couldn't be more proud of his heir!""
Sims 3 Exchange Download
MediaFire Download
""Created: 05/10/12
Residents: 3
Funds: §19,500
"Sophia, Marcel and Violet have a wonderful family life, but can they continue through the
stresses to come? Will they find some time to relax and enjoy life?" "
Sims 3 Exchange Download
MediaFire Download
The Contrary Family
"Created: 05/10/12
Residents: 3
Funds: §19,500
"Love and understanding are the foundations of a healthy family life, but can the
Contrarys gain enough of it to keep themselves together?" "
Sims 3 Exchange Download
MediaFire Download
The DeBateau Family
"Created: 05/10/12
Residents: 2
Funds: §17,500
"When Jessica left him, Armand spent a few months sulking and thinking the sun
would never come out again. But when he adopted little Tara, she convinced him
otherwise. He couldn't be more proud of his heir!""
Sims 3 Exchange Download
MediaFire Download
The Cleveland Family
"Created: 05/10/12
Residents: 3
Funds: §19,500
"Jason and Marissa lead a very comfortable life, They wonder a bit about whether
Justin's friend Tara is "distracting" him from his school work, though, and about
Uncle Geoff squandering the family funds. After all, a privllaged status should never be taken for granted.""
Recreation Ground: the book
Reading's Two Rivers Press are publishing my full-length collection Recreation Ground in the autumn. In the interim, I'll be reading poems from the book at:
Poetry and a Pint, St James' Wine Vaults, Bath, Monday 14 May (from 8pm)
and at
The Museum of English Rural Life, Reading, Saturday 19 May (from 6.30pm).
Here's a not particularly typical poem from that collection:
Poetry and a Pint, St James' Wine Vaults, Bath, Monday 14 May (from 8pm)
and at
The Museum of English Rural Life, Reading, Saturday 19 May (from 6.30pm).
Here's a not particularly typical poem from that collection:
All through her second wedding, your sister carried white lilies.
She chose Psalm 23 and we duly mumbled
‘The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want’,
thinking this is more like a funeral
and trying not to giggle at the serious bits.
You dug me in the ribs and said,
with more feeling than you meant,
that this is what passes for life in Portishead.
Outside – we nipped out for a fag during ‘Abide With Me’,
tip-toeing past weeping aunts and teenage sons
in suits they’d bought for work experience
(a row of bulging parcels waiting for collection) –
outside you breathed again and then you said
how glad you were you’d escaped
what passes for life in Portishead.
And when you kissed me in the graveyard
with its blots of dead confetti like giant flakes of dandruff,
I was thinking: Yes, thank God, thank God,
if it hadn’t been for this town’s deep chill,
its icy politeness and evening classes,
its Sunday lunch drinks and over-cooked roasts,
the dismal rain on the Lake Grounds of a Saturday night,
if it hadn’t been for the gossip which spread
like a bushfire when you dyed your hair red
and started hanging out with unsuitable types
who played in punk bands like Chaos UK
or limped along the high street on farting Vespas –
if it hadn’t been for this town’s desire
to disapprove of all it didn’t understand,
you’d never have run for Cornwall and the sea,
you’d never have run for a place to call your own
and you’d never have run into me.
In the doorway of the church, I almost smiled and I almost said:
there are so many reasons I’m grateful
for what passes for life in Portishead.
An uncertain ratio?
My friend Steve Wright explores the post-punk musical landscape with some good choices and erudite commentary here: http://thewordsandmusic.blogspot.co.uk/
City to hold annual Send-a-Kid-to-Camp Radiothon
On Thursday, May 10, the department will hold its annual Send-a-Kid-to-Camp Radiothon in partnership with Miss Community Clovia, Radio One’s 99.3/105.7 KISS FM, I POWER 92.1 FM and Praise 104.7 FM, and Enrichmond, the department’s non-profit foundation.
During the radiothon, the public is asked to call (804) 521-8400 between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. to make a donation of any amount which will be
Abta - event
All About ABTA - A Lecturers' Guide
11am-2pm on 21 June 2012
Venue :
ABTA, 30 Park Street, London SE1 9EQ
11am-2pm on 21 June 2012
Venue :
ABTA, 30 Park Street, London SE1 9EQ
Click here to find out more/register
Big Families with Youngsters
The Ottomas Family
"Created: 05/04/12
Residents: 6
Funds: §139,849
"Large families have a lot of love to share, but also require a lot of work-
especially with more children on the way! Will grandma's help be enough to keep
this family strong?"
Sims 3 Exchange Download
MediaFire Download
The Newson Family
"Created: 05/04/12
Residents: 6
Funds: §214,503
"After their parents' untimely death, the adopted Newson clan is faced with the
reality of separation and a return to foster care or weathering the unknown future
together. With no parents to guide or protect them, can the Newson's countinue to
provide each other the safety and security their adopted parents provided?"
Sims 3 Exchange Download
MediaFire Download
Sport England Research Bulletin

Three new case studies have been added to Sport England's market segmentation tool, highlighting how the data has been used in practical ways to help develop marketing strategies and to increase participaion.
Sport England is working with the Arts Council, English Heritage and the DCMS on a short communications campaign to promote the Culture and Sport Evidence CASE programme. The objective is to promote CASE's research findings and resources so that CASE outputs become more embedded in the work of researchers and policy makers in both central and local government as well as within the higher education sector. Find out more here.

Places People Play is a £135m initiative designed to bring the inspiration and magic of a home Olympic Games and Paralympic Games into the heart of local communities.
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