Research on...the Olympics

A new A5 subject booklet has been published by Intute this month, Internet resources for Olympic studies. The booklet offers a taster to some of the best online information resources for researching the Olympic Games, which have been selected, evaluated and made available through the Intute. Categories include history of the games, London 2012, Olympic people, research, event management and contemporary issues in sport.

A search in LeisureTourism (non-Athens passwords apply) will also reveal some useful results. The abstracts database is very thorough as it also searches within books for relevant chapters. The 'In Brief and In Depth' tab can be searched for full-text articles and there are a number related to the Olympics. Don't forget Athens - many of the databases should have articles to support your studies.

A related conference, Staging Mega Sporting Events - Opportunities & Challanges is also happening on 24th April 2008, free admission and open to students, academics and researchers at Coventry University Business School. Special focus will be given to the Olympics.