Wrekin Havoc...

The Wrekin Forest Partnership, which includes local authorities, Shropshire Wildlife Trust and pressure groups has been considering tourist development at the Wrekin in Shropshire to better accommodate visitors. Pete Lambert (spokesman), said improvements needed to be made to cope with increasing visitor numbers - ideas put forward so far are for a visitor centre, extra parking, better signage and improved paths. In response to this, posters have appeared on trees in the area in an attempt to put a halt to any future development by Steve Hooker from the pressure group "All Friends Round The Wrekin". Mr Hooker fears any development will spoil the hill although he has been assured by Lambert that nothing would be done which would spoil the beauty of the Wrekin - and definitely "no Disneyland-style theme park", you'll be pleased to know.

The Wrekin Forest Landscape Conservation Management Plan 2008-2013, can be viewed here.
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