Adventure Tourism Newsletter
Tourism Highlights: 2012 edition

- Key trends in international tourism in 2011
- Results by (sub)region and country of destination
- World’s top tourism destinations
- Outbound tourism by region and top spenders
- Long-term forecast: Tourism towards 2030
Perfectly flat source
of glass-half-empty wisdom
(You never gain without you lose),
these drains and fenland ooze;
unbroken horizontals
bred smallholders quick
to silence, feuds.
Cousins, not on speaking terms,
learnt allegiances, who was who,
precise degrees of indifference to use
in the family’s every orbit.
A lack of generosity in nature, then,
accounting for a hardness of heart?
Well, yes, there was that – breeding fruit
and veg from plots that felt the brunt
of poor winters, North Sea winds,
relentless, giddying skies.
No wonder they took the dim view,
were adamant they knew what they knew,
distrust of water, close observation
of changes, levels and rules,
the fragile treachery of things,
a closed world better off for keeping closed.
From here, though, also, eccentricities of will:
great-grandfather who made do
and the most out of left-overs,
sticks, old hat. Always on the loose,
ditch-strider, habitual trespasser,
or, back home, his having to explain,
if anyone should ask, why the swan
he’d killed was better called a goose.
Such stamina for living on the hoof:
as if each morning, bent-double and running,
he was tempting snipers to shoot him down,
which on such open ground they could have easily done.
'Fenlanders' appears in the collection Recreation Ground (Two Rivers Press, 2012), available here
'Fenlanders' appears in the collection Recreation Ground (Two Rivers Press, 2012), available here
Balkans Peace Park Project 2013
It's still not too late to volunteer this summer ... teaching English, teaching cricket, making a community play .. . Details here: and films from summer 2012 here: and here:
Department Stages Production for Acts of Faith Festival
The department has partnered with the Friends of Dogwood Dell and the African-American Repertory Theatre Company to present “Ecce” as part of Richmond’s Acts of Faith Festival. The Acts of Faith Festival, a collaboration of the faith community and professional theatre companies, is the largest faith inspired theatre event in the country.
The premise of “Ecce,” by Washington-area
Tuesdays, Thursdays are Line Dancing Nights
Come out and have a good time line dancing every Tuesday and Thursday night from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities’ Blackwell Community Center, located at 300 East 15th Street.
This fun group is lead by Yolanda Wilcox, who welcomes everyone from beginners to those who know the steps and just love to dance.
There is a participation fee
Department to Hold Mardi Gras Party for Seniors
The department will hold a Mardi Gras party for senior citizens at its Ann Hardy Plaza Community Center on February 26 from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. The program will feature music, karaoke, games, door prizes, other fun activities and food.
The program is free to attend, and there is no need to pre-register.
The Ann Hardy Plaza Community Center is located at 3300 First Avenue. For more
"Developing a Code of Ethics for Disaster Tourism"
By Kelman, I. and R. Dodds. 2009.
International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters,
vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 272-296.
Journeys : new issue
This latest special issue focuses on the places or trails where traumatic or miraculous events took place, and on the significance and meaning people put in the act of walking to and around these sites. The act of walking and the process of remembrance are combined in order to discuss how these two voluntary actions intertwine. Articles in this issue:
- In the Footsteps of Walter Benjamin
- Bodies in Motion: Pilgrims, Seers, and Religious Experience at Marian Apparition Sites
- Touring the African Diaspora
- Walking Memory: Berlin’s “Holocaust Trail”
- Mobile Sepulchre and Interactive Formats of Memorialization: On Funeral and Mourning Practices in Digital Art

Will be available online soon or order articles via ILL - ask in the Library for more details
Iraq: ten years on
Here's the poem written for '100 Poets Against The War '(Salt/Nthposition) on the occasion of the Blair/Bush decision to invade:
Life After Wartime
Some things never change.
The garden bushes wag their beards
like arguing theologians while the orange fists
of passion fruit take cover in the leaves.
The sky aches with unmapped distances
and the sun hides nothing.
At dusk, it surrenders to the moon.
When there’s small-hours muttering in the street
remember it’s only someone deciding to go home or go on,
pushing the night for the last of the great good times
and into a shell-shocked morning after.
At least there’s coffee again.
It takes our minds off the radio,
the smooth-voiced reassurances,
the metaphors encrusted like barnacles
on every announcement, your almost
imperceptible jump at the sound
of a pamphlet shoved through the door.
Things never change.
People wear their silence like a caul.
To bring them luck against drowning.
They were parents. Or siblings. Or both.
They are the ones that nothing surprises,
the ones who no longer look up
when a jet comes roaring in above the city,
framed against the orange sky,
picking its way among the towers.
Tom Phillips 2003
Flat Holm island - new tourist destination?
According to Somerset Tourism Association, Flat Holm island, which is owned by Cardiff Council, may be sold to help save £110m. The island could be combined as a tourism package with neighbouring island, Steep Holm. The possible sale of the island is one of many proposals which will be decided later this the article
Guided Walks to James River Park's Heron Rookery Offered
The department has partnered with the Richmond Audubon Society and the Virginia Audubon Council to offer guided walks again this year to see the Great Blue Herons making their home in the James River Park.
The popular walks will be offered on three Saturdays; February 16, March 16 and April 13, from 10 a.m. to noon. Each walk to the rookery will bring its own sights and sounds as these
Black History Month Cook-Off
Richmond Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities will celebrate Black History Month with a Soul Food Cook-Off on February 28 from 7 to 8 p.m. at its Randolph Community Center, located at 1415 Grayland Avenue.
The public is invited to bring their favorite homemade soul food dish to the community center to share, whether it’s a main dish, a side dish, a dessert or bread. Everyone who
Spring Cleanup Scheduled for Cemeteries
Owners of lots and gravesites in city-owned cemeteries are reminded that according to City Code, Sec. 22-30, all flowers, decorations and non-approved vases must be removed from the ground by March 1 in preparation for the City’s Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities’ annual Cemeteries Spring Cleanup.
The city-owned cemeteries are Barton Heights, Shockoe Hill, Oakwood,
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