British Library : Industry Guides

An appropriate occassion for a return
I have been away for this blog for too long because [insert usual description of RL interference with blogging responsibilities here], but some synchronicity compels a few remarks.
It had been a while since I have even bought a comic; I finally caught up with Comic Book Comics from Evil Twin and was very disappointed, but more on that later. But the other day I was in one of my LCS, and this cover caught my eye:

Arrowsmith: So Smart in their Fine Uniforms
Wildstorm: 2004
by Kurt Busiek, Carlos Pacheco, Jesus Merino, and Alex Sinclair
What caught my eye first was the sort of art nouveau design sensibility; as I leafed through the book, I could see that it was some sort of alternate history WW1 story, and something about it just hooked me. I took it home and read it over the next few days.
It turned out to be a well-done (if fairly typical) story of an idealistic young man who goes off to war for noble reasons and discovers that it is difficult to keep his moral stance in the middle of the horror of battle. The difference is that alongside traditional armaments, both sides use magic - sometimes nasty magic.
The book is beautifully drawn, the alternate world fully realized, and the characters engaging; the plot, however, could have been lifted from any of a number of war movies, and without much alteration would work just fine without any of the magical or other alternate history elements. Yet I feel the book is a worthwhile addition to the genre and well worth a read, for two reasons.
The first is that is is extremely well-done. Although the plot mechanics may be a little trite, Busiek's actualization of the trope is sophisticated and compelling. He makes us care about the characters and lets us feel their pain, their growth, their joys, and their losses. Within the fantasy realm, he paints as strong a picture of the realities of war as I think anyone could, and Pacheco's art more than meets the challenge of carrying the weight of the story. It is truly a tour de force for both creators.
Perhaps more importantly, the book called me to read it and to be open to its message. As jaded as I can be at times, I might not have read just another anti-war war book; I mean, there was All Quiet on the Western Front and Paths of Glory and Johnny Got His Gun and yeah, I've been there. But the alt-history pulled me in, and then the book slapped me in the face with a heaping dose of reality and made me think clearly again about about something incredibly significant, and made me feel again how I feel about it. And that is a good thing to have happen, and a nice achievement for any Art, whether fine, pop, or junk.
That this book made this statement to me on this particular weekend just made it all the more meaningful.
I guess Arrowsmith may be old news to some, but it was a new discovery to me; I suggest you check it out if you ever have the chance.
It had been a while since I have even bought a comic; I finally caught up with Comic Book Comics from Evil Twin and was very disappointed, but more on that later. But the other day I was in one of my LCS, and this cover caught my eye:

Arrowsmith: So Smart in their Fine Uniforms
Wildstorm: 2004
by Kurt Busiek, Carlos Pacheco, Jesus Merino, and Alex Sinclair
What caught my eye first was the sort of art nouveau design sensibility; as I leafed through the book, I could see that it was some sort of alternate history WW1 story, and something about it just hooked me. I took it home and read it over the next few days.
It turned out to be a well-done (if fairly typical) story of an idealistic young man who goes off to war for noble reasons and discovers that it is difficult to keep his moral stance in the middle of the horror of battle. The difference is that alongside traditional armaments, both sides use magic - sometimes nasty magic.
The book is beautifully drawn, the alternate world fully realized, and the characters engaging; the plot, however, could have been lifted from any of a number of war movies, and without much alteration would work just fine without any of the magical or other alternate history elements. Yet I feel the book is a worthwhile addition to the genre and well worth a read, for two reasons.
The first is that is is extremely well-done. Although the plot mechanics may be a little trite, Busiek's actualization of the trope is sophisticated and compelling. He makes us care about the characters and lets us feel their pain, their growth, their joys, and their losses. Within the fantasy realm, he paints as strong a picture of the realities of war as I think anyone could, and Pacheco's art more than meets the challenge of carrying the weight of the story. It is truly a tour de force for both creators.
Perhaps more importantly, the book called me to read it and to be open to its message. As jaded as I can be at times, I might not have read just another anti-war war book; I mean, there was All Quiet on the Western Front and Paths of Glory and Johnny Got His Gun and yeah, I've been there. But the alt-history pulled me in, and then the book slapped me in the face with a heaping dose of reality and made me think clearly again about about something incredibly significant, and made me feel again how I feel about it. And that is a good thing to have happen, and a nice achievement for any Art, whether fine, pop, or junk.
That this book made this statement to me on this particular weekend just made it all the more meaningful.
I guess Arrowsmith may be old news to some, but it was a new discovery to me; I suggest you check it out if you ever have the chance.
Conferences Update
International Society of Travel & Tourism Educators - Dublin, 30th Sept-2nd Oct
E-Marketing for Tourism Destinations (ETC-UNWTO) - Budapest, 16th-17th June
1st International Cruise Conference - Germany, 26th-27th Sept
Educaton & Industry (National Tourism Org. of Serbia) - Serbia, 26th-27th Sept
Forecasting the Future of Leisure 2008 - Nr Warwick, 3rd-4th June
Heritage & Cultural Tourism Business - London, 8th July
Tourism Landscapes and Luxury Consumption - Lancaster University, 11th-12th Sept
E-Marketing for Tourism Destinations (ETC-UNWTO) - Budapest, 16th-17th June
1st International Cruise Conference - Germany, 26th-27th Sept
Educaton & Industry (National Tourism Org. of Serbia) - Serbia, 26th-27th Sept
Forecasting the Future of Leisure 2008 - Nr Warwick, 3rd-4th June
Heritage & Cultural Tourism Business - London, 8th July
Tourism Landscapes and Luxury Consumption - Lancaster University, 11th-12th Sept

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Journals Roundup
Journal of Culture, Tourism & Hospitality (Emerald):
- The watch as cultural icon
- Going where the Joneses go: influence of others on travel decision-making
- Facilitators & constraints in leisure travel participation: southeast Portugal
- Examining the dimensions of a lifestyle tourism destination
- Classifying wine festival customers
- Aesthetic labor, rocky horrors and the 007 Dynamic
- 4L tourism (landscape, leisure, learning and limit): motivations and expectations to improve competitiveness of Alpine destinations sustainably
- Facing the elements: analysing trends in Antarctic tourism
- Impact of management changes to recreational fishing: Ningaloo Marine Park
- Trends in winter sport tourism
- Visualising London: images
- London's hospitality workforce: cultural diversity - a choice or necessity?
- Implications and issues of London 2012 for the site's residents
- How can social marketing be used to promote sport?
Call for Papers
A new online publication 'Journal of Tourism Consumption & Practice', is due to be launched later this year and they are currently asking for submissions for the first issue. The journal will mainly focus on the interplay between the production and consumption of tourism as forms of interaction between people and place. Find out more...
Dawson Books
We now have Dawson eBooks on board within Athens. To view our selection (a 'small' one at the moment but we will be ordering more!), click on the 'eBook Catalogue' tab from the homepage; this will show all the titles available, which include:
- The Global Nomad
- Special Events
- Tourism & Intercultural Exchange
There is a help facility in case you need further support, or just contact me.
Tourism Today
This is an annual online journal published by the College of Tourism and Hotel Management in Cyprus. There are links to issues from 2005; here are some of the articles included:
- A study of 'success' at England's most visited tourist attractions
- Management of overbookings in the hotel industry
- Tourism pattern in Uttaranchal
- Service quality management in tourism Higher Education - Croatia
- Spanish youth market to Australia
- Do small tourism businesses play a role in urban tourism development?
- Tourists' considerations regarding destinations experiencing safety/security issues
- Measuring destination competitiveness: Canaries, Spain, France, Balearics and Italy
- Tourist characteristics and demand for tourism destination products in Nigeria
Conferences Update
ISPAL - Forecasting the Future of Leisure 2008 - 3-4 June, near Warwick, UK more...
17th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research - 25-28th Sept, Norway more...
Sustainable Planning Instruments and Biodiversity Conservation - 13-14th Nov, Latvia more...
International Institute for Peace through Tourism - 21-25th Oct, Netherlands more...
17th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research - 25-28th Sept, Norway more...
Sustainable Planning Instruments and Biodiversity Conservation - 13-14th Nov, Latvia more...
International Institute for Peace through Tourism - 21-25th Oct, Netherlands more...
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